Director’s Message

Director’s Message

Message From The Director

As the Director of Mai Bhago Armed Forces Preparatory Institute for Girls, I have great pleasure in launching the refreshed and refined Institute website. I thank you all for visiting the site and getting to know about Mai Bhago AFPI.

Over the years the contribution of Punjab towards the NDA had gone down drastically from   20 to 30 % a few decades ago to only 2 % in 2000. Taking note of this unfortunate trend, the Government of Punjab decided to set up two institutes with the specific charter of preparing boys and girls for commission into the armed forces. In this context, Mai Bhago Armed Forces Preparatory Institute for Girls (AFPI), was started in Sector – 66, SAS Nagar (Mohali) on 25 July 2015. The inauguration was attended by the Honourable Defence Minister of India, Shri Manohar Parikar and the Honourable Chief Minister of Punjab, Shri Prakash Singh Badal, besides a galaxy of distinguished dignitaries.

The first batch of Lady Cadets of this unique initiative, passed out from the portals of this Institute in June 2018.

The three main facets of training at the Institute are Academics, Outdoor Training and development of Officer Like Qualities. The overall emphasis is on all round development of lady cadets, in order to prepare them for the rigours of training at the Armed Forces Pre Commission Training Academies and service in the armed forces thereafter.

A career in the Armed Forces is more than just a profession. It is indeed a way of life. What makes this way of life so special? There are several unique facets. Patriotism is the most important. The country comes first always and every time. As officers in the armed forces, we have the privilege of commanding men and women. This is a rare honour and in order to be worthy of this honour, an officer must be a thorough professional. He or She must earn the respect and unquestioning loyalty of the men and women they command. Therefore command of men and women and the special bond that develops between the leader and his command,is the second unique aspect of a career in uniform. The third facet is integrity. A good officer has to be imbued with total integrity. The reason why integrity is so indispensable in the armed forces is that often lives of men and women are at stake and therefore there can be no compromise with integrity.

What does a career in uniform offer you? It offers respect and honour. It offers adventure and excitement. It offers a quality of life which is unparalleled elsewhere and esprit de corps, which cannot be found in any other profession. It offers job security and excellent pay. Above all it offers you an opportunity to do something worthwhile for your country and in so doing leave your footprints on the sands of time.

We at Mai Bhago AFPI train young women for such a glorious life. What we are doing is not a job. It is a calling. Our reward lies in the success of the young women we train. We are totally committed to providing high quality training to the lady cadets, so as to enable them to achieve their goal of joining the Armed Forces. Our achievements so far, from 2018 till date are as under:-


  • 85 out of 151 (56%) Lady Cadets have been recommended for commission.
  • 36 Lady Cadets have already joined the Academies or have been commissioned.
  • 54 Lady Cadets as in March 2024 are in the process of SSB screening, which is ongoing.


I see a glorious future for the Institute. I have no doubt that in the years ahead, we shall grow from strength to strength and very soon become the primary feeder institute for women into the armed forces. As our alumni go on to achieve greater heights of glory in their chosen profession, their achievements will give us the satisfaction and reward we are so earnestly seeking.


May God be with us in our endeavours!

